Iran Art Exhibition
Iran Art Exhibition



Definition of Caricatures
Consider the dictionary definitions… The word caricature can be used as a noun or verb. As a noun, it’s defined as a picture, description or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated ( larger or smaller) in order to create a comic effect. As a verb, to caricature is to make or give a comically or exaggerated representation of someone or something. The word portraiture is defined as a graphic and detailed description, especially of a person. Therefore, the difference comes down to keywords like “comic,” and “exaggeration”.

The Hyperbole of Caricatures
When someone’s caricature is drawn they’re likely to have features that are bigger or smaller than they are in real life… for instance, if you get your caricature drawn at a party, you might notice the artist gave you a more dignified noes … or maybe your chin is made smaller, or your eyebrows are extra bushy. All created for dramatic effect.

The Purpose of Caricatures
So what’s the purpose of caricature? It’s a way to Enhance the basic essence of a person creating an interesting version of them with a touch of humor. This brings friends and family together for a happy engaging experience. Caricatures are best when complimentary. They’re often used in politics and/or to entertain people. If you were to pick up a MAD magazine from years ago, you’d notice how many movie stars and celebrities got the caricature treatment– for your entertainment, and, perhaps, to make you chuckle.

Satire and Humor in Caricatures
A caricature artist is often interested in satire and humor. He or she uses the pencil, pen, marker, digital pen, or computer mouse to come up with a rendering of someone that’s just a little “out there” in order to make others smile or laugh. With caricature art, there’s an intentional distortion of the subject, as opposed to drawing someone’s portrait, which doesn’t involve distortion or exaggeration.
People in public places are often drawn to caricature artists to watch them work. They want to see how other people’s caricatures will ultimately turn out. It’s fun to see an artist at work, who then decides, moment by moment, what to distort and/or exaggerate about a person.

IRAN ART EXHIBITION: A caricaturist is an artist who creates portraits of people in which features are grossly distorted, but the subject of the portrait is still recognizable. There are a number of venues in which a caricaturist may work, ranging from sidewalk street fairs to the editorial departments of magazines. In order to work as a caricaturist, an artist needs the ability to work quickly, in addition to possessing a strong ability for illustration and the development of accurate likenesses. Some people approach this career with no education, while others pursue degrees in art, illustration, and related subjects to hone their skills.
A caricaturist may work at a street fair drawing passersby.
When a caricaturist is presented with a subject, he or she looks at the subject to identify unusual features or features which deviate from the norm for the purpose of finding features to exaggerate in the finished drawing. The caricaturist may also attempt to learn something about the subject, so that he or she can include commonly recognized symbols in the portrait. For example, a banker with small lips and big ears might be caricatured in an illustration with monstrous ears, tiny lips, a monocle, and a top hat.

Many political cartoons use caricatures so that it’s obvious who is being portrayed in them.
Some caricaturists work in political cartooning, turning the events of the day into illustrations which can be used to provide information or commentary. Political cartoonists want the subjects of their cartoons to be recognizable to readers, but they also want to play with the presentation of their subjects; the goal is not accuracy, but lampooning which everyone can clearly interpret. Working as a caricaturist in this field requires a high level of political awareness.
Caricaturists can also hire themselves out at events. Weddings, parties, conferences, and other events may have a caricaturist on site to draw quick portraits which are used as mementos or ice breakers. Working at an event can be interesting for an artist as it exposes the artist to numerous different kinds of people and a wide array of facial variations. Similarly, a caricaturist can work as a sidewalk artist, drawing quick caricatures of passerby for a small fee.
IRAN ART EXHIBITION: This type of work requires a high level of artistic skill, despite the sometimes childish appearance of caricatures. It also requires patience and the ability to draw large amounts of work. A caricaturist at an event like a wedding, for example, may make dozens of caricatures in a single day, and each has to be unique, engaging, and interesting.


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